Who are we?

A hub for people who possess an entrepreneurial mindset to identify opportunities, manage change, and innovate.

What do we do?

There’s a process we’ve prototyped and worked on with leadership teams over the years. It works.


·      There’s a curated knowledge platform that contains deeply researched original articles, podcasts, videos and conversations you won’t find anywhere else.

·      It offers the ammo to attempt solving real challenges using multiple approaches such as Agile Thinking, Human Centered Design, Ethnographic Research, Facilitated Workshops and Coaching.

·      The brainpower that facilitates this platform are thought leaders from India and globally.

How do we do it?

·      Create access to global thought leaders

·      Provide original analysis and commentary by influencers on the most important themes of our times

·      Partner with leading academic institutions and thought leaders

About Founding Fuel.pdf

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